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ECM Project Files Module

Progress does not come with a big bang. Instead of a great leaps and bounds, it moves forward with barely perceptible steps. Every project is just such a step. The larger the company, the more projects there are, which is why digital project files are becoming increasingly important. It allows each project's development and progress to be tracked transparently and encourages questions and interventions should it lose momentum.

Achieve goals more quickly with digital project files

Digital project files deliver decisive competitive advantages. They facilitate:
  • Faster processes
  • More transparency
  • Shorter project durations
  • Simple documentation
  • Greater legal certainty thanks to audit-compliant archiving and IT compliance
  • Reduced strain on IT systems (through outsourcing)
  • Significant cost savings
The appeal of digital project files is that they can be adapted precisely to meet specific requirements - be it for an industry, a company or an individual department. This works because digital project files are used as a module of an ECM system.

The abbreviation ECM stands for Enterprise Content Management. These systems focus on capturing, managing, storing, maintaining and distributing documents in digital form. At the same time, ECM systems define customised workflows that route documents through the system with the desired degree of automation. ECM systems and modules are always tailored to individual needs. The flexibility of ECM solutions is also evident in digital project files because as requirements change, so does its structure.

What digital project files can do

The file compiles all the necessary information in a clear and concise manner. Data and documents required for the project from systems such as ERP, financial accounting, CRM or CAD are managed centrally, securely and without redundancy. Emails and their attachments are archived and filed in the correct context and are available to all project participants. Features such as subscriptions, resubmissions and deadline management make cooperating easier. The executive board, management and project leaders are kept informed of the status of the project throughout the entire process. They can keep themselves up to date with detailed, automatically generated reports but without the need for time-consuming meetings.

Digital project files integrate workflows that speed up processes and thereby ensure a common understanding of the project among all the participants. Legal guidelines are recorded as well as contact details. Of course, files can also be accessed from anywhere - not only from different locations, but also when working from home or on the road.

External project partners such as suppliers, service providers or customers can also access status details and activities and documents intended for them via a project portal. After all, the only way to make progress with these barely perceptible steps is by working together.

Would you like to learn more about the ECM Project Files Module?

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