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Umwelt: Mutter und Tochter, die sich an der Hand halten und zusammen einen Waldweg entlanggehen.

Shaping the future. For the sake of the environment.

Every journey begins with taking the first step. People who think and act sustainably know the ultimate goal from the very first step: to create a world worth living in. TA Triumph-Adler is therefore mindful of its use of resources and is expanding its product range to include energy-saving solutions. The following pages will give you an overview of our commitment to the environment and sustainability. If you would like to find out more, please feel free to get in touch with us. We look forward to being able to tell you more. 

We take responsibility and question our own actions, because there is always room for improvement.

For further information about TA Triumph-Adler's commitment to environmental protection, please refer to our environmental brochure.

Carbon-neutral printing and operations

Transporting, operating and servicing printer fleets generates emissions. Our customers can participate in a ClimatePartner climate protection project to offset these emissions. Your CO2 emissions from printing are converted into euros and are used to help mountain gorillas in the Congo, for example, or people in India or even forest residents in Germany.

ISO 14001: the number for sustainability

We are certified! The ISO 14001 standard lays the foundation for establishing, implementing, monitoring and further developing environmental management systems.
Umwelt: Blick direkt in einen Wald

Handling chemicals: REACH

Great care is called for when it comes to chemicals. The EU chemicals regulation REACH regulates the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals.
Umwelt: Nahaufnahme einer Straußenfeder

Using brainpower to pack smartly

We pack our products in “smart” boxes, thereby avoiding materials such as polystyrene. What’s more, we exclusively use recyclable materials.

Good for the environment: Blue Angel

The Blue Angel certification was introduced back in 1978. We are delighted to be a member of this important ecolabel and to make a contribution to protecting the environment.
Umwelt: Kleiner Junge, der auf einem Steg sitzt und Papierboote faltet

Reduced consumption: Energy Star

Almost every one of our products meets the requirements of the “Energy Star” label. This means that the energy consumption of our systems in idle mode meets all the stringent requirements of the energy-saving programme.
Umwelt: Vater der mit seinem Kind auf den Schultern einen Drachen steigen lassen möchte

An ace at emissions

Above and beyond: our products fall below the specified (voluntary) limit values for ozone, dust and styrene emissions, in some cases significantly.
Umwelt: Nahaufnahme eines Kingfishers

Recycling as a corporate principle

It goes without saying that TA Triumph-Adler will dispose of electronic waste free of charge. This ensures that the components of our systems are recycled to the greatest possible extent.
We would be happy to provide you with a general overview of the standby performance of products in the network mode in the context of the Ecodesign Regulation. This regulation can be found here: Download

Do you have any questions about our environmental management strategies? Feel free to get in touch with us at