Modern printing systems are interconnected, collect data and pass it on. The in-built TA Cockpit® electronic control centre ensures efficient monitoring. The software knows what is happening where at all times - and where things are getting stuck. It recognises when a system is running out of consumables and automatically orders supplies. In the event of a technical malfunction, the partner is automatically informed and will already have been notified of the error message when they arrive to carry out repairs or maintenance.
Fleet management
Office printers that can only print and copy are gradually going extinct. They are being replaced by multifunction printers, or MFPs, which perform functions such as sorting, sending and storing documents. By turning paper documents into electronic documents when scanned, MFPs are becoming the "facilitators" of digitisation.

Efficient monitoring with aQrate
Efficient monitoring can do even more. Which MFP is being used by whom to do what? Which devices are prone to repair, which are overloaded and which are mostly idle? And what costs are incurred as a result? aQrate can answer all these questions. This software solution manages all print jobs from a central location, even if they are placed and managed from a PC, tablet or smartphone.
Faxes? That’s part of fleet management
Sending and receiving faxes can easily be integrated into your digital network with the TA Fax Server as a fax hub. Emails are also automatically converted into fax format before the document is sent. Incoming faxes can be printed, saved or forwarded by email at the FaxHub. They are converted into PDFs and sent to configurable email inboxes. The SmartFax app makes it extremely easy to operate.
The path to the ideal printer fleet
Monitoring the printer fleet often brings a sobering realisation: that the equipment pool is not ideally suited to the company's current needs. This situation can easily be changed with the free MDS analysis from TA Triumph-Adler. This analysis - MDS stands for Managed Document Services - examines the existing equipment pool and makes recommendations based the results. Some customers want an improved printer fleet, others use the MDS analysis as a first step towards digitising processes and workflows. After all, digitisation starts at your multifunction printer.
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Optimise your printer fleet with MDS analysis
The free MDS analysis from TA Triumph-Adler analyses your current printer fleet and deduces suggestions on how the hardware can be better used. As a result, costs are saved in the double-digit percentage range.
These case studies show how we put our know-how into concrete practice with our customers.