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ECM Supplier Files Module

“Business relationship” – how stiff does that sound! Almost as if it were only about an exchange of money for goods or services. Fortunately, in real life there is human interaction and business relationships develop into a trusting partnership. However, the right foundation must be in place. When deliveries are delayed and order receipts are lost or invoices are not paid, this trust is jeopardised. Malice is rarely the reason - it is more likely to be error-prone processes. This problem can be solved easily by using digital supplier files. These files provide an overview of all supplier, ordering, contract and invoicing processes at a glance.

Digital supplier files constitute one module of an ECM solution. The abbreviation stands for Enterprise Content Management. These systems focus on capturing, managing, storing, maintaining and distributing documents in digital form. At the same time, ECM systems define digital workflows that, for example, route invoices through the system with as much automation as desired. Whenever there are queries - including from customers - the company's own staff can immediately access the relevant data and documents and provide information that is as up-to-date as it is relevant.

The entry point: invoices

Digital supplier files bring together all the relevant documents in a clear manner. Information on all the relevant processes is presented in a coherent and comprehensible manner in a single view. This also applies to all accompanying correspondence. Anything that is shared digitally is automatically stored by the ECM system in a specified location. Paper documents that are passed back and forth are scanned at an MFP and likewise automatically saved in the correct folder.

The first step into an ECM system is often invoice checking and processing. Invoices run through the company in digital form in a matter of minutes with an electronic workflow and can be retrieved at any time. Since ECM systems are modular, they can be incorporated accurately into the company's overarching processes.
The digital accounting system can quickly be expanded - the advantage of the modular system - into a comprehensive digital supplier file. Procurement also finds its place in this file alongside contract management. There is no shortage of documents in procurement given that orders and delivery notes are accompanied by the related correspondence. In many companies, these documents are collected in order files, which are an interim step towards a comprehensive supplier file.

Access any time, anywhere

It goes without saying that ECM can also be used to access documents and approve orders or invoices from mobile devices and when working from home. As a result, digital supplier files can provide at any time and any location:
  • Direct access to all information in one central location
  • Archived, audit-compliant correspondence with suppliers
  • Better rates thanks to the company's immaculate payment record
  • Reduced costs thanks to more efficient processes
  • Faster reactions to market requirements, which means no more delivery bottlenecks
This is how a business relationship becomes a partnership based on trust. And remains so.

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