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ECM Healthcare Files Module

They want to help people, which is why they became a doctor, a nurse or a caregiver. But instead of taking care of people, they have to concentrate on forms, since only what is documented can be accounted for. An evil that is as necessary as it is time-consuming. Digital healthcare files provided by TA Triumph-Adler give a boost to the process of documentation without neglecting professional quality standards or posing any risks in terms of liability. In place of red tape, healthcare professionals have more time for people.
Digital healthcare files from TA Triumph-Adler are perfectly tailored to the needs and requirements of the industry in the form of an app. They offer:
  • An integrated overview: users can keep an eye on all the relevant patient data and can access all the necessary information for planning procedures as well as for healthcare invoicing.
  • Strong data security: clearly defined access rights for all the individuals involved in patient care guarantee data security.
  • Fast access: keywords can be used to search for specific documents, which saves a lot of time.
  • A clear and user-friendly layout: all information is sorted and presented clearly, even if it comes from different sources.
  • Always at the cutting edge of technology: automatic updates are included in the maintenance contract.
Installing the app is straightforward and it can be used almost immediately. A directory is automatically created for each patient, which presents treatment records, care reports, plans, SIS (Structured Information Collection), protocols, master data sheets, commercial vouchers and prescriptions in a clear and concise manner.

Digital healthcare files help to reduce frustration among caregivers and those in need of care. This is because they allow more time for what is really important: face-to-face interaction.

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