The piles of applicant documents on the desks of personnel managers first shrank and then disappeared. This may be because they are now only received electronically, or it could be because it is rare for anything to arrive. Some employers seem not to have understood that every candidate wants to be treated with respect. Qualified applicants can choose their employer and behave accordingly. This is new for many personnel managers and leads to a serious mistake: applications are collected and then sifted, and only in the third step are potentially suitable candidates approached. By the time that happens, they will have already found work elsewhere. Providing immediate feedback is important, even if it is just a “thank you for your application, it has been received and we will get back to you shortly!” More importantly, the subsequent invitation for an interview must follow within three or four days, if possible. Many employers are not prepared for this. That can all be changed with the ECM Digital Applicant Management module.

Digital contract management
From advertising the post to signing the contract
The abbreviation ECM stands for Enterprise Content Management. These systems focus on capturing, managing, storing, maintaining and distributing documents in digital form. At the same time, ECM systems define digital workflows that, for example, automatically route applications through the system as desired.
The Applicant Management Module covers the entire application process, from advertising the post to signing the contract - and even beyond. The module's range of services includes:
The Applicant Management Module covers the entire application process, from advertising the post to signing the contract - and even beyond. The module's range of services includes:
- List of qualifications: structured definition of required hard and soft skills
- Job manager: easily created target profiles based on the list of qualifications
- Applicant manager: structured filing of candidate profiles (actual profiles)
- Matching: automatic comparison of target and actual profiles
- Workflow support, for example with template management and mail merge feature
- Workflow functions, for example with deadline monitoring and absence management
- Applicant cockpit: evaluation of all data and export options
- Integration of various input channels (e.g. email, post or portals)
Establishing a talent pool
This ECM module can be used to sort applicants automatically into A, B and C candidates. AGG (General Equal Treatment Act) and data protection are more or less automatically observed. Publishing job offers can easily be automated by means of an extension for e-recruiting.
However, digital applicant management has even more to offer. This becomes apparent when a candidate is obviously of interest but does not fit any of the vacancies. In this case, the profile is transferred to the internal talent pool. As soon as a suitable vacancy arises, the system responds. The relevant candidates can be contacted electronically or - even better - by phone. One thing is guaranteed: the flattery factor for those applicants will be 10 out of 10. And that can never hurt.
Would you like to learn more about the ECM Digital Applicant Management Module?
However, digital applicant management has even more to offer. This becomes apparent when a candidate is obviously of interest but does not fit any of the vacancies. In this case, the profile is transferred to the internal talent pool. As soon as a suitable vacancy arises, the system responds. The relevant candidates can be contacted electronically or - even better - by phone. One thing is guaranteed: the flattery factor for those applicants will be 10 out of 10. And that can never hurt.
Would you like to learn more about the ECM Digital Applicant Management Module?
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Our ECM white paper
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Digital contract management
A wide variety of contracts are created, managed, corrected and searched for in companies every day. Digital contract management allows for a quick overview and reminds you of deadlines in good time. It’s no surprise that this ECM solution is becoming more and more popular.