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A young savage in action

Printing and publishing company Markus Reichert uses inkjet printing system TA Pro 15050c.
  • Cost-effective printing of personalised mass-produced printed matter
  • High quality with maximum flexibility
  • Innovative service via augmented reality glasses
Hamburg, 06. 07.2020 Printing and publishing company Markus Reichert has added the TA Pro 15050c inkjet printing system from TA Triumph-Adler to its machine park. The result: falling costs, rising efficiency and increased flexibility.

Cost pressure, speed and quality demands are high in the printing and publishing industry. Inkjet printing systems that produce personalised mass printed matter quickly and in high quality are increasingly in demand. Printing and publishing company Markus Reichert has opted for the TA Pro 15050c inkjet printing system from TA Triumph-Adler. The company has been offering its customers a comprehensive service since 1968 - from pre-press, digital and offset printing to high-quality finishing of publications.

A clear decision to go for the TA Pro 15050

Printing and publishing company Markus Reichert had high expectations of its new inkjet printing system: all materials used in-house were to be printed cost-effectively, efficiently and to a high standard of quality. This includes papers in grammages from 60 to 350 grams, grey board or envelopes in different formats. Numerous machines were tested. "Apart from the TA Pro 15050c from TA Triumph-Adler, none of the other machines was able to print on all materials - and in consistently convincing quality," says Erich Czermin, Head of Digital Printing at Reichert. The print volume was also impressive: the system can print up to 9,000 pages per hour, or 150 pages per minute. Despite the speed, the machine does not run out of paper quickly: Up to four large trays can hold a total of 14,100 sheets. The decision in favour of the TA Pro 15050c was an easy one.

Fast, flexible, cost-effective

The TA Pro 15050c has been in action in Großostheim near Aschaffenburg since December 2019 - satisfaction with the performance is high. "We complete our jobs much faster and more cost-effectively," says Czermin. "We used to pre-print stationery with personalisation in offset and then apply the personalisation. Now we do it in one step, are one to three days faster in implementation with extremely high quality." In addition, the innovative press can also print in colour and keep up with the offset-like printing process in terms of quality. Czermin: "Another advantage of the printing system is that the paper lies flat in the delivery, making further processing very easy."

Maintenance via augmented reality glasses

A new service solution is used with the TA Pro 15050c: remote maintenance via augmented reality glasses. In concrete terms, this means that if help is needed in handling the machine, a TA employee is connected through the glasses and provides support with the aid of visual and acoustic instructions in real time. "For us, this is a great added value. We benefit from TA service around the clock without a technician having to drive to us," explains Czermin. He adds that the glasses also offer considerable economic advantages: "Small operating errors can be corrected very quickly, which reduces machine downtime and in turn increases productivity."

20 % growth in the production printing market

Whether public authorities or banks, electricity suppliers or insurance companies: The new TA Pro 15050c is attractive for the printed products of many industries - whenever digitised processes for personalised mass printed matter are involved. Forecasts predict that more than 20 per cent of all print jobs will go to inkjet printing systems as early as 2022," says Christopher Rheidt, Managing Director of TA Triumph-Adler. And thus six times as many as in 2018.

Press contact

André Gensch
Manager Corporate Communications

Deelbögenkamp 4c
Haus 5
D-22297 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 52849-0