Certified quality
Whether it is in relation to quality, environmental or process management, TA Triumph-Adler is consistently committed to the highest requirements and standards. For us, certifications and awards are both an acknowledgement and an incentive to continue on this path together for the benefit of our customers.
Integrated management system
TA Triumph-Adler's management system has been certified by British Assessment Bureau (BAB) and meets the requirements of ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 27001 (information security management). Our management system is documented by our in-house document management system. Workflows for approval and auditing that conform to standards ensure accuracy and currentness. Transparent rights management and convenient search functions also ensure that every employee has quick access to all relevant information.
Environmental protection and sustainability
Our corporate commitment is informed by the need to maintain the natural balance of the environment and to protect it from negative influences. For us, continuously refined environmental management and compliance with legal requirements are a matter of course for our products, services and infrastructure.
- Furthermore, some of our products undercut specified emission limits by a considerable margin. Our focus is on minimising energy consumption, both in operation and in stand-by and sleep modes. Awards such as the Blue Angel and the Energy Star demonstrate our consistent focus on sustainability.
Reliable IT processes and IT security
TA Triumph-Adler applies the IT service management standard ITIL, and all IT employees have been trained and certified accordingly. Due to the TA Group's affiliation with the Japanese Kyocera Group, the company is subject to the provisions of the assessments of internal control processes described by J-SOX (Japan Sarbanes-Oxley Act). Compliance with the controls is ensured and assessed both by the Internal Audit department and by our auditing firm PwC. Our IT compliance also stipulates that potential risks be analysed and assessed, and that countermeasures be initiated immediately if necessary. More proof of our certified IT security includes the BSI Standard 100-2 entry level for our data centre and the Common Criteria ISO 15408 EAL2 security standard for data security kits on hard drives installed in our MFPs.
Process management on every level
Continuously improving our integrated management system is at the heart of all our processes. This applies to our solutions, products and services as well as the resources we use, and to how our managers think and act responsibly. We attach great importance to modern working tools that support smooth processes, as well as to having solution-oriented employees who understand the needs of our customers. Measuring and analysing our processes is another important part of our continuous improvement process.
The aim of our quality management system is to guarantee and continuously increase our customers' satisfaction with our solutions, products and services.”
Christopher Rheidt, CEO von TA Triumph-Adler
This is what you gain as a TA Triumph-Adler customer:
- We analyse your requirements, submit tailor-made solutions and thereby achieve a balance between the product requirements and the service we deliver.
- Clearly defined and transparent processes support the consistently high quality of the services we offer across all our business areas.
- Our proprietary document management system was developed by a team of distinguished QM experts in collaboration with our software specialists. All our experience in the field of certification has been fed into this solution.
- The motivation of our employees to question processes or to adapt established processes ensures that we are able to improve our services on a continuous basis.
- We optimise processes, prevent errors at an early stage and reduce throughput times by providing continuous professional development for our employees.
- Clearly defined channels of communication and responsibilities speed up our processes and ensure the desired result is achieved.
- Our certifications allow us to assist you in complying with internal requirements (e.g. your own quality management system) and external requirements (legal regulations, customer requirements, etc.).